Traditional Anglers of Pennsylvania
4 Sherry Lane Portage, PA 15946
An Open Letter to Trout Fishermen
Are You a Trout Fisherman?
Dear Fellow Sportsman,
A small group of live-bait fishermen met on March 21, 1994, to discuss the present situation of the trout fisheries of Pennsylvania. With that stated, the group is now formally known as "The Traditional Anglers of Pennsylvania" (T.A.P.).
We as an organization are not opposed to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, or any other angling organization. It is in our interest as live-bait fishermen to have a voice in what is said, and done with the trout waters of Pennsylvania. It is a major concern to this group that we are losing some of the best trout waters in this State to: Fly-Fishing Projects, Delayed Harvest Fly Fishing Only-Catch and Release, Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only, Trophy Trout Projects, and Limestone Springs Wild Trout Waters.
There's a serious problem arising along the streams and lakes that bless our State. The special interest groups whose financial dealings run deep in our State are receiving more areas of streams and lakes posted for artificial use only. Future generations of live-bait fishermen may not have a place to fish if new sections, or whole streams are closed down to live-bait fishermen. Young fishermen typically use live bait the first years of their angling lives. If this current trend of closing waters to live bait continues, where will these kids fish?
The Traditional Anglers of Pennsylvania is not a "kill all you can catch" organization. This is in large percentage a catch and release group, nothing wrong with keeping a few fish for supper. Although not known as a fact, but it's safe to say, live-bait fishermen buy more licenses and trout stamps than any other angling group!
This grass-roots organization can use your support and there's talk of a few projects and programs in the future.
T.A.P. will Promote, Preserve, and Protect the Trout Waters of Pennsylvania.
If you wish to help and support us, the membership application is available on this Web Site.